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Mogami 2549 Neglex Type #22AWG Balanced Microphone Cable

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W2549 has been designed using our famous Neglex OFC to provide the highest quality audio reproduction in any recording application. It features #22AWG conductors and extremely low capacitance. The 100% coverage served shield and twisted pair construction is excellent at preventing noise caused by electromagnetic interference. This cable is recommended when extended high frequencies are important or where long cable runs may be needed.

Excellent for rugged remote and on stage use in Sound Reinforcement, TV, Radio broadcasting etc. Its compact size together with a heavy duty binder and filler system and a braided shield make it ideal for all continuous handling applications. Exhibits very low microphonic pick - up and can operate at very cold temperatures down to -20#176;C (-4#176;F) without losing its flexibility. 105 strands of 44AWG annealed bare copper features ultra flexibility with extraordinary flex life, while maintaining excellent strength characteristics

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